Renovating the Chiller Plant

Project Schedule

The project is expected to be complete by summer 2023.

Key Design Elements

As part of the project, Metro plans to construct an addition to the existing building and perform other site enhancements. 

New Addition

  • Located in the rear of the existing building, Metro will remove obsolete existing equipment from the rear exterior of the current building.
  • The addition will include new soil vapor and groundwater testing and treatment equipment. 
  • The new building will maintain the historic integrity of the exiting building by using similar building materials and design elements, like auger piles and grade beam foundation and brick and precast exterior walls.
  • Inside the building will be new mechanical, electrical and communication systems among other improvements.

Site Enhancements

  • A paved driveway with underground wells connected to the treatment system will be constructed.
  • Streetscape enhancements to improve the sidewalk and surrounding area will be implemented along New Hampshire Ave NW.

The design was reviewed and approved by the District of Columbia’s Historic Preservation Office. When construction is complete, the addition will function similarly to the existing building as an unoccupied space with weekly rotating maintenance visits.

Community Impacts

Metro is operating this construction project in compliance with D.C.’s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) noise regulations and construction permit process. Our goal is to complete the project with minimal disruption to the public.

Construction Zone

The construction zone is located just west of Georgia Avenue NW in the area between New Hampshire Ave NW and Rock Creek Church Road NW. For your safety, stay clear of the construction zone and follow traffic and pedestrian detours.

Traffic and Pedestrian Detours

  • Sidewalks adjacent to the site on Rock Creek Church Road NW and New Hampshire Avenue NW will be closed and accessible detours will be available. 
  • Rock Creek Church Road NW will be narrowed with restricted street parking.

Hours of Construction and Noise

  • In compliance with D.C. noise regulations, construction will occur weekdays from approximately 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • Neighbors may hear normal construction sounds from machinery, especially during early project phases. 


  • Neighborhood water/utility services will not be affected.