For immediate release: August 23, 2023

Tenleytown-AU Station east entrance to temporarily close on Monday, August 28 for accelerated escalator replacement

Metro is accelerating the escalator replacement work at Tenleytown-AU Station and will replace the two east entrance escalators with brand-new ones that are more durable and reliable. 

Starting Monday, August 28, 2023, the entrance on the east side of Wisconsin Avenue, closest to 40th Street, will close for approximately four months. By closing the east entrance, construction crews can work on both escalators at the same time, increasing project efficiency and reducing the overall project duration by roughly two months.

During the entrance closure, construction crews will also continue to replace the final escalator that runs from the intermediate level to the mezzanine. 

Metro began construction to replace four entrance escalators and three internal escalators at this station in August 2021. To date, four escalators have been replaced at the station, including the two escalators at the west entrance. 

All escalator replacement work at Tenleytown-AU will be complete when the east entrance reopens in late December. 

Customer Impacts

  • The elevator near 40th Street will remain open and accessible to customers.
  • Customers must enter and exit Tenleytown-AU Station through the entrance on the west side of Wisconsin Avenue. 
  • Rail service will not be impacted. 
Metro’s contractor, KONE, is installing new escalators as part of an ongoing project to replace 130 escalators across the Metrorail system by 2028, helping to ensure the regional infrastructure remains in a state of good repair. 

Additional information can be found on the Escalator, Canopy and Elevator project page. Customers are also encouraged to sign up for MetroAlerts text or email messages to receive project updates and service information or contact Customer Service at 202-637-7000 with additional questions.
