Transit-Oriented Communities

Transit Oriented Communities

Metro provides the region with great opportunities for "transit-oriented communities." Transit-oriented communities refer to neighborhoods that are designed to allow people to drive less and walk, cycle, and take transit more.

Metro supports compact development that contain a mix of uses-residential, business, and entertainment-in both new and existing neighborhoods and encourages bicycle and pedestrian access to all Metrorail and Metrobus stations. Transit-oriented communities reduce sprawl and traffic congestions and improve the region's environmental impact. Metro allows for the preservation of open space which provide recreational benefits and help to protect the  region's watersheds.

Metrorail and Metrobus sites are central to placemaking in neighborhoods throughout the Washington, DC region. Attractive and well-designed transit sites can improve the quality of life of riders and residents in surrounding areas by encouraging use of transit, bicycling, and walking.

By promoting high quality, more intensive development on and near Metro-owned properties, Metro can increase ridership, support long-term system capacity and generate new revenues for transit. Learn more about Metro's joint development projects.